One of the central principles of the new NHS in 1948 was to be free at the point of need. Aside from some notable exceptions such as
prescription & dental charges, this continues to be the case in the NHS in
England. This principle has been
questioned and challenged over the years; more recently by a suggestion that people
could be charged a monthly ‘subscription’ fee.
Fortunately, so far, this isn’t formal Government, opposition or NHS
Although NHS services are free to all at the point of need;
who ‘qualifies’ as being in need doesn’t always equate to everyone, all the
time. There are many issues of
geographical difference of services, often referred to as the ‘post-code
lottery. I may write a blog on that
subject in the future, but this one is focussed on another element, namely continuing healthcare. This is when it is established that a person has complex and
ongoing healthcare needs that should be met outside of hospital. People are
assessed as to whether they qualify for NHS for this. This assessment of need is done through a
formal process; initially using a screening tool called a Checklist,
which is used to identify whether a person requires a more in-depth
assessment. If so, then a multidisciplinary assessment is undertaken supported by a Decision Support Tool.
If a person, following assessment through the Decision
Support Tool is identified as meeting the criteria for NHS funding, a ‘package’
of care is then commissioned to ensure that these assessed needs are met on a
continuing basis. The assessment is
multidisciplinary, including health and social care staff. There are e-learning tools available, aimed at both NHS and Local Authority staff involved in
the process. Each stage of the process
is open for appeal and if someone has a more urgent need to get service in
place quickly, i.e. for someone near end of life, there is a Fast Track process to ensure this happens without delay.
I attended an NHS England Roadshow this week for CCG
Directors of Quality & Nursing and people from the NHS & Local
Authorities responsible for commissioning Continuing Healthcare. The focus of the event was a new Quality
Assurance Framework, which is yet to be formally published. The framework is intended to assess both the
quality of the assessment process and the quality of service received through a
series of prompts. This is intended to
form part of and not to replace local quality assurance systems. The prompts have two distinct features:
- Firstly, they are set out as a series of statements starting “I...”, as quality should be assessed from the perspective of the person receiving the assessment and the continuing healthcare itself; or their family/carer(s). For example: “I felt the assessment focused on me as an individual and helped me live the best life I can” and “I am supported to have choice and control wherever possible over my care and support”.
- Secondly, the framework is built around the ‘Six Cs’, i.e. the prompts are separated into six category headings: Competence, Courage, Commitment, Care, Compassion, Communication.
As a group of Directors of Quality & Nursing from our
local area (Hertfordshire & South Midlands), we agreed at the Roadshow that
we needed to do more work locally to ensure that we consistently embed this
assurance framework into our quality assurance systems. We committed to doing this collectively.
Finally, but very significantly, since 1 April 2014, all
recipients of continuing healthcare are entitled to request a Personal Health Budget(PHB). This allows individuals to
directly ‘commission’ their own NHS-funded package of care, personally
selecting the agencies and sometimes individuals who will meet their
needs. NHS England’s vision for personal
health budgets is “to enable people with long term conditions and disabilities
to have greater choice, flexibility and control over the health care and
support they receive”. PHBs were
originally piloted and have been evaluated.
The website for the evaluation
project and the final report contain a lot of detail on what was found. In summary, the pilots showed that people had:
more control, greater choice, better care-related quality of live and
significantly lower cost.
I strongly suggest that your group should be firstly committed to ensure that the "Standing Rules & Regulations" for CHC assessments are abided by
ReplyDeleteas detailed in the NHS e-learning tool